All resources listed on EmberCrate are crowdsourced. If you would like to add an interesting resource you found or made, follow the next steps in order to get it listed.
Create a fork of the @embercrate/website repository. This allows you to push your own changes to the website codebase.
Open repository on GitHubAdd a new entry to the resources list in app/data/resources.ts. Make sure to follow the submission guidelines.
Open a PR for your changes to be merged in the original repository on the main branch. Once merged, all changes will automatically be deployed.
Create pull requestAll links must be about Ember.js in a direct way. For example, a link to the Tailwind CSS website would be rejected. A link to the Tailwind CSS setup guide for Ember.js would be accepted.
No links to one time announcements or events. Links should stay relevant for the foreseeable future.
Resources must advocate for modern and recommended Ember.js patterns.
Submitting self-made content is allowed. This should however be done moderately.